VPS International
Julkaistu: 14.09.2024 14.54

VPS International

VPS will also this year support the international team of players.

This will be the third year when about 15 different nationalities are united by the same passion.

Are you interested to enlarge the family? Do you feel you want to play football for fun without the stress of the competition in a relaxed and family environment? If yes get in touch with us; we play every Sunday a friendly game.

Contact: Antonio Cannistrá mail: antoniocannistra77@gmail.com Call or WhatsApp: 045 3173390

Vaasan Palloseuran Juniorit ry, Ruutikellarintie 6, 65100 VAASA. info@vpsjuniorit.fi 

Y-tunnus 1652597-9. 

Iban FI51 5670 0820 2089 55

Vastuullisuus Periksiantamattomuus Seura❤